Whether you’re looking for something more comfortable, more practical, or more sustainable, there are tons of new women’s products that can make your life easier. But, with so many new feminine products on the market, the choices and inventions can be overwhelming. We at SaniGirl have put together a list of the must-haves, so you can find your perfect match!


  1. Disposable Menstrual Discs – Similar to menstrual cups, but are far lesser known among other feminine products. Disposable menstrual discs are pinched and inserted, though they sit higher up in order to increase comfort and even decrease cramps. They can be worn for up to 12 hours and can carry 3 times as much as a tampon. They can also be worn during sex, completely mess free! Their easy removal and disposal make them ideal for women on the go!
  2. Nude Bra – Not exactly new, but certainly improved in recent years! The pale beige we once knew as ‘nude’ certainly didn’t fit all skin tones, and brands have taken note! With expanded shade ranges, and sizes, it might be time to purchase a new every day favorite!
  3. Female Urination Device – A female urination device, aka.. a disposable pee funnel, will give you total peace of mind on the go! Take them traveling, in the great outdoors, or simply to avoid germs or sitting on a public toilet seat. They’re easy to use, easier to dispose of, and are completely recyclable. The SaniGirl Funnel fits in any size bag and are extremely discreet, making them practical any time away from home, from the workday to the weekend.
  4. Period Underwear – Leak-proof period underwear is a great alternative if you find tampons and menstrual cups uncomfortable. An upgrade from pads and liners, period underwear is more absorbent and completely leak proof. They come in a range of sizes and styles from comfortable to stylish, perfect for anyone with any outfit!
  5. Menstrual Cup – You’ve probably heard about, or even considered using, a menstrual cup, but they are definitely one of the most intimidating on this list. Many women find them less uncomfortable than tampons, and have to change them far less frequently. It’s as simple as folding the cup, inserting, and twisting to create a seal. They’re great for anyone with heavy periods!
  6. Women’s Boxers – I think we can all admit that thongs aren’t always the most comfortable. Especially as we’re spending more time than usual at home, women’s boxers are a great addition to your growing loungewear collection. They are cozy, comfy, and chic. Keep them coming automatically with comfortable and sustainable Woxer.
  7. Electric Micro-pulse Kit – Of all the women’s products on this list, this might be the solution to the most universal problem: period cramps. Electric micro-pulse kits send repeated shockwaves to the brain to confuse receptors and block period pain. Painless periods, all without electrocuting you – they promise!
  8. Organic Lubricant – With so much focus on ‘clean’ and ‘organic’ ingredients in everything from dish soap to eye cream, shouldn’t you be treating your vagina with the same care? It’s easy to exclude sexual health from women’s products, but plenty of companies are looking out for us ladies! There are so many options for organic lubricants, whether for personal or partner use!
  9. Sleepwear – Seems way more important than ever these days, and there are some fantastic new dual purpose PJ’s! Suffer from night sweats or menopausal hot flashes? Designed with hot flashes in mind, there are tons of sleepwear brands to choose from that help you stay cool while you’re sleeping. From cozy to cute, there are plenty of style options and moisture wicking fabrics that will help you get a good nights sleep! Looking for a PJ you can wear all day?  Half Asleep has versatile and soft women’s loungewear, you won’t just want to sleep in, you’ll want to live in!

No matter what you’re looking for, the women’s product you need is sure to be on this list. From periods, to sex, to tech, feminine hygiene products are better and more innovative than ever! We can’t wait to see what’s invented next!

Have tips about these or other feminine products? Sharing is caring – leave your comments:)

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